Help Support my Art
I've been pursuing my passion for photography, while producing educational resources and other content, for several years now. It has required plenty of time, patience, and monetary investment. Without my supporters, none of it would be possible. For instance, as I approach the milestone of 6,500 subscribers to my YouTube channel, the revenue I earn from that platform is barely enough to cover the costs of hosting and maintaining this website.
Although purchasing one of my fine art prints or limited-edition folios is the best way to show your support, I operate largely on the Value for Value model: that is, if you find my art, written content, and educational content valuable, please contribute - however you can - to ensure I can continue to produce new work for years to come.
Your donations directly help to support my work and are truly appreciated. Every contribution, no matter the amount, helps to keep me motivated, allowing me to continue sharing my love for the natural world while teaching and inspiring others.
Donations are managed via PayPal. If you'd like to contribute on an ongoing basis, please consider becoming a member of my Patreon. However you choose to contribute, it will be greatly appreciated!
Other Ways You Can Offer Support
Become a Patron
Join my Patreon as a paid member to earn exclusive benefits, up to and including free Artist Series prints and folios each year. Patreon is the leading platform for supporting artists.
I earn a small commission - at no cost to you - on any purchase made via the following links:
It goes without saying that one of the most appreciated ways you can support my work is by purchasing a fine art print of a photo you love!